

OP consultation for all dermatology and cosmetology cases.
Routine consultation in Dermatology for management of skin diseases and pigmentation disorders.
Facilities for special investigations related to the diseases and treatments with drugs, minor surgical procedures, electrocautery and Laser treatments.
Painless ear piercing.
Ear lobe repair.
Comedone extraction for white heads, black heads.
Laser treatment for hair removal and chicken pox scars.
Electrolysis for hair removal.
Microdermabrasion for acne, acne scars and skin rejuvenation.
Electrocautery for skin tags, warts, molluscumcontagiosum, DPN, freckles etc.
Dermajet therapy for keloids and hypertrophic scars.
Medical and Surgical treatment for vitiligo.
Skin Biopsy - Punch and Excision Biopsy.
Allergy Clinic.
Electro coagulators and electro desiccation equipments.


Dr. A J Antony

Consultant Dermatologist

Dr. Golfy Jose

Consultant Dermatologist